

Swimming Pool Maintenance - a Public Health Necessity!

Every country and city around the world is approaching the Covid-19 threat differently when it comes to forced business closures. In some places, like Florida and much of the USA, the maintenance of swimming pools and the necessary supporting operations are considered to be 'essential' and are therefore exempt from general shutdown orders.

In many other places, swimming pool maintenance and supply has not been specifically deemed to be 'essential', but in some cases business owners have been successful in reversing their local governmental designations. This has allowed them to operate to some degree, if not fully.

We all know how vitally important it is to keep swimming pools safe and clean. No community anywhere needs additional public health threats at a time like this. As well as the more obvious recreational water illnesses (RWIs) that can occur in improperly maintained bodies of water, stagnant water can lead to outbreaks of mosquito-borne viral and parasitic diseases.

If your business is not specified as exempt from your local business closure regulations, or if you just would like more information on current USA guidelines, we hope these resources may be of help to you:

For more information about CDC's recommendations for proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection of public pools, visit www.cdc.gov/healthywater/swimming/aquatics-professionals/operating-public-swimming-pools.html.